To add a classroom, type the room identification and name in the text boxes and click on the Add button. To remove a classroom, click on the room in the list and then click on the Remove button. All classrooms and special rooms which will be used for teaching, should be entered.

To alter the identification or name of a room, click on the room in the list then overtype and click on the Add button. Bear in mind that if the identification of a room is changed the program will automatically change the room identification wherever it occurs in the school data.

Use of the classroom facility is optional. Using the program for the first time you may wish to leave rooms out to begin with and add them in later, after you have succeeded in creating a timetable.

There are two ways to use rooms. The recommended way is to assign rooms to teachers, or groups of rooms to groups of teachers. For example, if the Art teacher will give all lessons in the Art room, then assign the Art room to that teacher and no other. Similarly, assign the Science labs to the Science teachers. The assignment of rooms will be done automatically by the program, but you will be able to swop rooms after the timetable has been constructed.

An alternative way of assigning rooms is to assign a room to a specific subject taken by a particular class. This method should be used very sparingly because it increases the complexity of the timetable solution process, and this can lead to a poor quality timetable.